Best Residential Door Lock Vancouver West is the Schlage B60N Deadbolt. Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West. Schlage has slightly redesigned the exterior of the B60N. It keeps its ANSI/BHMA Grade 1 security rating and adds a new BHMA Residential AAA rating.
Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West End Vancouver: (604) 670-1188
Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (Kitsilano, UBC, Kerrisdale, etc.) : (604) 670-1188
Best Residential Door Lock
The Schlage B60N is essentially a residential version of a high-security deadbolt lock. It’s rated Grade 1 by ANSI/BHMA, meaning it has passed the same hammering, prying, sawing, picking, and kicking tests as the toughest high-security locks that Schlage produces. Experts told us it’s extremely difficult to lockpick the B60N—which, honestly, is not much of a concern anyway, because a Grade 1 lock like this is secure enough that a determined thief would be more likely to bypass it and find another way into the home.
- Unique Snap & Stay™ design
- Easy installation: One-person project; no extra hands needed
- ANSI Grade 1–professional grade security
- Biggest adjustable bolt available
- Pick and bump resistant
- Best Residential Door Lock
- Adjusts to fit all standard door preparations
- Quality finishes for lasting beauty
- Lifetime finish and mechanical guarantee
- Various finishes available
- Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key from outside or by inside thumbturn. Bolt automatically deadlocks when fully thrown
- Door thickness 1-3/8″ – 1-3/4″
- Backset: 2-3/8″ – 2-3/4″
- Throw: 9/16″
- Strike: 1-1/8″ x 2-3/4″, round corner
- Strike reinforcer with 3″ screws
- Large thumbturn
- Keyed Alike
- Keyway: SC1 / SC4
- Certifications: Meets Grade 1 BHMA requirements
Also, The New York Times has rated the Schlage B60N as the Best Residential Door lock too. Professional locksmiths are offered a choice between this Schlage model and a similarly qualified deadbolt lock from Kwikset, they unanimously vote for Schlage.
Mr. Locksmith Vancouver BC recommends the Schlage B60N is our pick as the best deadbolt for residential customers. This single-cylinder lock is affordable, widely available. Schlage is known to be a top maker of heavy duty deadbolts. It produces different models designed for various purposes.
Best Residential Deadbolt Lock
What is the best residential deadbolt lock? It’s, this is not my opinion, My favorite Residential and Commerical deadbolt is the Schlage Locks. I really like the commercial grade. So we have a light-duty commercial, a heavy-duty commercial, and they have a residential version. And it has been rated by different magazines and articles as the best residential deadbolt. Nothing really close to this one. It’s called the Schlage B60N.
There are all sorts of different numbers that show the finish etc. So let’s just pull this apart and I’ll put it on the door and I’ll show you why this is probably the best residential lock, dollar for dollar. Now, if you know my videos, you know I love putting on the heavy-duty, the same locks I put on the hospitals and school boards and businesses, this is the heavy-duty. It’s quite solid and it’s made by the same company. So this is the Schlage B660. This is the 560, it’s a little bit lighter-duty version. And you’ve seen my videos on why I love these. These are more expensive, but they’re probably the best commercial locks. And if you look at your schools and your hospitals, this is what they’re using on most cases. Now, for residential, this is a great lock and I am going to show you what we have here. This is the B60N and let’s just see what we got here. Right off the bat, it’s a six-pin keyway. So this is the C-keyway of the SC1. So this is right off the bat, six-pin. Geez, that’s pretty good out of the box.

Resident, most residential are five-pin. This is a six-pin out of it. Let’s see what we got here. So this will be, now, this has an interesting bolt. Let’s pull the bolt out. The bolt is adjustable. Your most common, from the edge of the door to the center hole is either 2 3/8 or 2 3/4. And one of the biggest calls I have at nighttime or even daytime saying, “I bought a new lock and it’s too short.” Well, just, you know, read the instructions, or this one’s quite simple, just twist it. Now, occasionally we get the five-inch backsets, and that’s a topic for another video, but this is the most common, is 2 3/8 and 2 3/4. Now, what’s really good with this one, it comes with a kit. So I can change the faceplate here to fit whether it’s a drive-in, this is a rounded edge, right at the bat, it’ll do rounded edges. Square and drive-in. So I can just take off the little faceplate here and change it to whatever I have. So the drive-in is just where they just drill a round hole, you know, put it in, beveled edges. We are seeing a lot of doors come like this from the factory and the squared off. Now, this is such a simple install. Don’t throw this away. These are three inch screws go on the frame of the door. And you’re just putting these three inch screws and it really, really makes the door harder to kick in, so the frame harder to kick in. So your door usually gives way first and we have lots of videos on how to secure your doors but out of the box three inch screws, nice plate. If you put this in, it should catch the stud, make it make the frame way, way harder to kick in. So it’s got lots of options on this. So I’m quite impressed. It’s not pickable, but it’s such a good quality lock. It’s extremely, it can be difficult to pick. When we go to, if it’s a Weiser or Kwikset lock we’re laughing, we’re just gonna pick it in less than two minutes, usually, unless there’s other problems. When you come across and you see the Schlage sign on the on the lock, you’re going, ah, okay I’m gonna have to hustle.
Now the commercial grade stuff have, this uses what they call the classic key ways. So this is a C key way or an SC1. And that’s the residential versions. The commercial versions come with probably over a hundred different types of cylinders ranging from the Classic up to what they call the Everest and up to the Primus. The Primus is their high security locks that are rated, real, real ratings as pick resistance. And even the plane key that comes with it, they call the Everest, which is the C123 or the C129. Boy, those are hard to really pick. So I know we’re talking about the best residential lock. So this is the B60N and out of the box it comes with a six-pin. Now I’ve seen five-pin on these. So this is a unusual, so it’s a six-pin Schlage key way C or SC1 or Classic. Pretty simple and it’s got a spacer as well.
Best Residential Door Lock Installation Vancouver West
Measure from the edge of the door. You can see this, is that too short? Now we say, now I think this says on it, it says top. So we now have top. Sometimes you see Mickey Mouse ears. See the, there’s the Mickey Mouse ears, but it says top. So we know this is top, but let’s take a look at, see when this is too short, it’s not gonna go in. And this is such a common, people call us with this problem, it’s too short. So this is adjustable. Nice, quick, easy. Even says top. There’s the 2 3/4. And stay tuned to the end, I’ll show you a little bonus thing that they have. Now the other problem people have when they install these they go too crazy. They just crank these down and just, it just puts a bad twist on everything. Now, the other thing to make sure when you install your deadbolt that it always goes together perfect. This works for the good quality locks. The off shore stuff is another dog’s breakfast. When you put it on, have the bolt with the door open, of course. Have the bolt out. Then key out, don’t put the key in. The other problem people do is they put the key in. So bolt out, key out and then this goes together absolutely perfect every time. So you just put the tailpiece. Now, this is what we call it a lazy, a lazy tailpiece. See, it just turns a little bit. Don’t play with anything on here. Some of the big problems we have is people start pulling these apart. Watch other videos of how to re-key these. So the tailpiece just goes in perfect. Lock up, remember key out. The thumb turn. Now this is a single cylinder deadbolt, thumb turn will go on. And usually when this is aimed this way it’s locked. You can look at it from a distance that way it’s unlocked. So just pull it back a little bit, just put the screws in and what you usually wanna do is just start the screws. You can, these are a pretty good lock so they’re not gonna cross thread easily but just get it started, each side started. Just get it started. And then, again, we just want these snug. We don’t wanna crank them down. If you have a metal door, wood is a little bit better. Well, it’s not better it’s just a less likely to. The big problem is on some of the metal doors when you tighten these down really tight it pulls the metal in and then this will bind. So you see this as absolutely perfect. We have this, everything’s running really good. Turns nicely. And if we use the key. Check it before you lock yourself out. And it’s perfect. So, and make sure you take the key out, lock it, take the key out. Then, you know, it’s locked, lock, unlock it, take the key out. If that all works, the lock will be absolutely perfect. So why is this the best residential? The quality is light years and I’ll do a comparison in another video coming up. I’ll show you the other most, one of the most popular locks out there is the Kwikset Deadbolt. Whether you get the pin tumbler, Kwikset or the smart key you’ll see the difference in the quality. The Best Residental Door Lock for the money is the Schlage B660N
There is no comparison between the two. I like this for residential, even though I have the habit of more putting a commercial on our residential customers, this lock is a great lock for the price. It’s fantastic. It’s got the taper. It’s extremely difficult to pick or bump. I shouldn’t say extremely difficult. It’s not rated as pick-resistant. So let’s put it into reality here. Most locks are different ranges of being able to pick but this compared to a Kwikset or other locks this is gonna be way tougher to pick. And if you ask a reputable locksmith they will say, if they’re honest, that the Schlage, Schlage, Schlage are difficult to pick. It’s got a good quality, one-inch deadbolt, a good quality cylinder. Everything on this is very, very close to the commercial grade stuff. This is not gonna fall apart in five years, even 10 years, this is gonna be a good lock. One little side piece. If the lock, when it’s opened is working perfect with the key and with the lock. When you close the door, it tries it from the inside first it should just be nice and smooth like this. If it’s sticking, then you either have a strike, usually, it’s the strike is out of whack or it could be the doorframe, but usually, sometimes you may have to adjust your, on the frame you may have to adjust the strike. And if you look at my favorite locksmith tool is a bit of lipstick and you can see why. So watch that video, I’ll put a link to it, why this can help you if it’s sticking. Once everything’s perfect when the door is open, the lock is perfect. You close the door and it’s catching or it’s not locking. And I’ll show you how to fix that in our other video. Now, as a side bonus, they also have the Schlage B660 Deadbolt is in a what we call Weiser keyway or a W1. So it’s not the Kwikset keyway. So this is a thicker key than the Kwikset key or the KW1. So this is a Weiser, they call it a Falcon. And in this case they have a five-pin in here and it’s the same bolt. It’s just that the keyway is different. So they put, everything is the same except for they have a Weiser key. And I think that’s the only two versions they come in, they come in the Classic SC1 and they come in, they call it the Falcon or the, I call it the Weiser, that’s the most popular. Not popular in the US extremely popular in Canada is the Weiser keyway. So I think that’s why they sort of came out with this one. It’s okay. I’d rather have the, well, especially this, this is a six-pin real Schlage cylinder. And then we have this five-pin Weiser. I bet you that’d be extremely easy to pick. So between the two, this one’s gonna be really, gonna give us the run for the money. This one’s gonna pick in under two minutes and we’ll have other videos on that. Why is this the best residential deadbolt? It’s good. It’s good quality. It’s an extremely good lock. I like it. I would install this on anybody who wants it if they wanted a less expensive deadbolt. This is about as low as I will go. And this is extremely good quality.
Lock Replace Vancouver
I do not like installing Kwikset’s residential locks. I like Zero, the Yale, not that much better. Now we’ll do a comparison. This is the B60N. I’ll grab some more of them in the big box hardware stores. I’m gonna have a comparison, we’ll pick up a bunch of them and we’ll take a look but this is the best residential deadbolt available at the moment. Please subscribe to the video and please leave comments. We’re gonna have a new series called, ask Mr. Locksmith. Put your comments below, what you do, don’t like, what you think is better and I will respond. Sometimes I try to respond online but we’re gonna start making a video response to a lot of the questions, so it’s gonna be “Ask Mr. Locksmith” Please put your questions. I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Subscribe to my channel, also visit my website and you can see what online locksmith training I have for beginners, intermediate and advanced as well as my covert methods of entry and my non-destructive methods of entry.

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Best Residential Door Lock