Antique Chinese Puzzle Lock: Terry Whin-Yates the president and CEO of Mr. Locksmith shows us an interesting piece of a padlock. It is an Antique Chinese Password Padlock. It contains Chinese characters on the inside, that if lined up properly structures a popular poem in the Chinese community. Here is the video:
@mr.locksmith Antique Chinese Puzzle Lock. #mrlocksmith #locksmith #locksmithservice #locksmiths #locksmithing #locksmithservices #locksmithlife #puzzlelock
Mr. Locksmith Vancouver West (604)760-7620
For On-line and Hands-on Locksmith Training Dates and Cities near you by Terry Whin-Yates for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Locksmithing as well as my Covert Methods of Entry, Non-destructive Methods of Entry and to purchase the Famous “Dumb Key Force Tool” that opens Smart Key locks go to Mr. Locksmith Training